CN 9716 Restoration

In 2020 I decided to take on the restoration of CNR 9716, a Railway Post Office (RPO) railway car (wagon). This web page provides a chronological view of my work on this car. I have decided that instead of creating a series of web pages, I have instead made a series of Microsoft Sway presentations for each topic. This does two things. For me, it makes it easier to document things and provide a running commentary as to my thoughts during this project. For you, it provides a better method to make it viewable across all types of platforms and devices.

Therefore, this page is mainly an index, and points to the appropriate Sway presentation.

In Service: In the future I will add information about RPOs in general, and this one specifically.

1998-2014: The early years – This presentation looks at the arrival of the RPO from Toronto, and then some pictures from various years, all prior to me starting the formal restoration in 2020. The link:

2020: Preparation for Restoration – This presentation looks at some of the work required to prepare for the formal restoration. It includes the building of a proper platform and stairs to enter the car, and the removal of the rotten material in the car. The link